Wednesday 7 November 2007

Fuck it.

I'd rather be dead than do that again.

I've been playing drum's for a full day straight and my mind sorta drifts it become like a robot and you're putting no effort in it but your bodys doing it itself but when you do think about it.. you go all tense and fuck up

I'm not sure whats going on in my head today but I know its all over the place
I think i'm losing some of my closest friends because of it, so if I am i'm sorry and just tell me what you're thinking and I'll do what I can to change it
Because I love the friends I have w0rd.

I'm kinda nervous about work on saturday, just a stranger who I don't know.. its not even on a formal basis like real work
i'll just be getting paid in hand
it'll probably be better like that like but
It feels i'd be better off in a proper job.. oh well
that'll money will be spent on skating, Guitars and clothes

Can't get much more Rock 'N' Roll than this

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