Tuesday, 6 November 2007


Today, I sat at my computer screen for one hour and twenty minutes staring at one of the greatest skate videos
since baker 3
The new nike SB vid,

Even from the start it looked Epic and it lived upto it, although there was a few dissapointed bits
but all glorious to say the least

As soon as I finished watching it I went out and ripped up the streets myself, never felt so confident on my board
until SLAM!
I was bombing it through what the finigans pub used to be to ollie a massive gap.. and then thud I slammed hard on the cold concrete and slid for a few minutes..
No damaged just slightly winded and a bruised leg
but I got back up and done it anyway

So the point to this blog is..
I don't know I just wanted to talk about my day
because the single life is shite..
and stones are gay.. why haven't they found away round chalking on stones.

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